Chris and Natalie Paterson established Chris Paterson Stock and Station Agent Pty Ltd in 1995. It is a family owned business located in Tamworth NSW.

Prior to opening the doors Chris gained experience within the stock and station agency game in Armidale, Tamworth, Walcha and Goulburn. He has a real passion for the livestock industry and he prides himself on providing personal and professional service to all. He believes in good old fashioned service, which is what he has based his business around.
He has a selling position with TRLX NSW largest selling centre in so provides weekly Monday Fat cattle and sheep sales as well as fortnightly Store cattle sales at the Tamworth Sales Yards. He also provides private livestock sales, clearing sales and rural property sales.

Chris and Natalie have 3 adult children.
They both enjoy sport with Chris being heavily involved in both junior and senior cricket over the years. They also run Heart Angus on their property just out of Tamworth.
They enjoy giving back to the local community in either time or sponsorship and have supported many local community and sporting groups throughout the years.